Meet our NIOXIN users! Hear their stories and reviews of NIOXIN treatments.

Nioxin Restage white product swatch filling whole screen

Success Stories

Hair thinning and hair loss have a big impact on us, no matter what the causes are. Our hair plays a big part in our self-identity: when what we see in the mirror changes, it can affect our confidence. We believe it's helpful, and important, to talk about these experiences. Share your personal journey with us on Instagram using #NIOXIN and #NioxinGrowsResults

white brunette woman leaning on the shoulder of a white ginger woman both smiling

Nioxin System 3 Review

"This brand taught me... it's OK to take care of myself"

Hannah , Stay-At-Home Mum

Hannah experienced hair loss after her third pregnancy. Her hair continued to thin, but System 3 has helped her regain her confidence.

"I feel so much happier - I'm so happy to have it down and showing"

Hear from Nioxin user Hannah on her experience using System Kit 3

Nioxin System 2 Review

"My hair is looking and feeling healthier"

Al, Account Supervisor

Al's thick hair began thinning before he finished college. He tried System Kit 2 for 30 days to see what difference it would make.

"The people closest to me noticed that…overall I was just looking happier."

Hear from Nioxin user Al on his experience using System Kit 2

Nioxin System 4 Review

"It made me feel really confident"

Jenna, Coffee Shop Owner

Jenna was diagnosed with a form of alopecia (Alopecia Areata) and was matched with System 4 to help her hair regrow healthily, alongside a nutritious diet.

"I had my hair done by a new stylist…when I told her I had alopecia, she didn't believe me"

Hear from Nioxin user Jenna on her experience using System Kit 4

Nioxin System 1 Review

"I feel prettier and more confident"

Diane, Social Media Designer

To boost her naturally fine hair and achieve more body, Diane was matched with System Kit 1.

"I didn't think NIOXIN was a brand for me, but now I'm convinced it's for everybody"

Hear from Nioxin user Diane on her experience using System Kit 1